How does an actor prepare for his or her role? Good question! Every year at Bard our Company of actors spend three days with Director of Education & Training Mary Hartman and Vocal Coach Alison Matthews, exploring text and voice at our Actor Intensives. As Equivocation by Bill Cain opens first at the Belfry Theatre on April 22, the Studio Stage actors got a head start on the work this week.
Read More about Studio Stage Actors Get A Head Start…Ever wondered what it takes to become a theatre director? The following four people are going to find out this season as they take on the challenging & rewarding role of Apprentice Director at Bard. Find out what inspires them to direct and what excites them most in the coming season!
Michelle Boulet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Mack Gordon: The Tempest
Katrina Darychuk: Equivocation
Guy Fauchon: Cymbeline
What made you want to be a theatre director?
Read More about Introducing Our 2014 Apprentice Directors…Do you know how many volunteers it takes to help run Bard? Guess? Last season alone, 235 theatre-loving people shared their summer with us to help check tickets, serve coffee, usher, and jump in to help with any number of other tasks. These generous and talented people help create and sustain a community environment at our site that is welcoming to every single person walking through our gates. We simply could and would not exist without them.
Read More about The Five Ladies Who Really Run The Show…Question: what do you do with 120 beautiful nylon street banners that are past their ‘use by’ date?
If you came to Elizabeth Rex last year you’ll remember two things: Colleen Wheeler’s moving performance as Queen Elizabeth I and… her extraordinary wig. That wig, along with all of our Bard wigs last season, was created by the talented and much sought-after wigmaker Stacey Butterworth. Last year, as well as working at Bard, Stacey worked on the film American Hustle – up for 10 Oscar nominations this year!
Read More about Hustling in Hollywood with Wigmaker Stacey Butterworth…Guest Post by Roanne Ward
It’s only January but it feels like summer is just around the corner with the buzz going on in the Bard office! I’ve just returned from a month in Central America and now I’m refreshed and ready to jump into getting our 25th Anniversary season ready.
I’d hoped to take in some live local theatre while I was away. But alas it wasn’t to be, until…
Read More about Shakespeare in The Most Unexpected of Places…2013 was an eventful year on the Bard Blog, and we’re taking this last post of the year to look back on some of your favourite stories from the last season.
Read More about Favourite Blog Moments of 2013…Bard’s Administration and Box Offices will be closed from noon on December 24th and will reopen on January 2nd.
Happy holidays to all!
Check in to the blog December 30th for a look back at our favourite blog moments from 2013!
Exciting news on the casting front!
We’re thrilled to announce that Bob Frazer will be back on the Studio Stage at Bard for our 25th Anniversary season in 2014.
After taking a year away from Bard while he pursued other projects (including his recent work as Jay Gatsby in Theatre Calgary’s The Great Gatsby, Bob will appear in next season’s productions of Bill Cain’s Equivocation and Shakespeare’s Cymbeline.
Read More about Bob is Back!…