Back in February we went to David Cooper’s East Vancouver photography studio to shoot our ‘advance photography’ images for the 2014 Bard season. We’ve had a lot of lovely feedback on the images so we thought we’d give you a behind the scenes look at how they were created!

David Cooper on the creative process & challenges:

Read More about Behind the Scenes of our Photo Shoot with David & Emily Cooper

You may know him from our ‘In A Nutshell’ Village talks, or from the various Shakespearean characters he’s played, or as the one of the main voices in Barbie and Madeleine (yes that’s right!) but what does Artistic Director Christopher Gaze do in the day to day world of Bard?

Read More about A Week In The Life of Christopher Gaze

Guest Post By Bic Pentameter

Are you confused, intimidated, or afraid when it comes to Shakespearean language? Fear not cousin, I am Bic Pentameter and I am here to help you understand and talk like Shakespeare! Here are some phrases for everyday as well as relationship situations we can all relate to translated into Shakespearean language. Give them a go – you never know what might happen!

Read More about How To Speak Shakespearean In Your Everyday Life – In Honour of Bill’s 450th Birthday!

Guest Post by Sam Snobelen

Sponsorship of the arts can be a sticky subject and no one knows that better than those of us working on the front lines of fund development.  A very public light was shed on this subject during Vancouver City Council’s public hearing in January to decide the fate of the York Theatre’s request for a sign bylaw amendment that would allow them to recognize a local company, West Coast Reduction, in exchange for a very generous endowment contribution.

Read More about Corporate Sponsorship and Bard: Why Your Ticket Costs Less Than It Should

She’s three months into the job, moving quickly towards our biggest season yet, so we thought it was time to find out what Managing Director Claire Sakaki thinks of Bard!

Read More about New Managing Director Claire Sakaki Shares Her Thoughts on Bard

Have you ever been watching a Shakespearean play – or any play – and thought: ‘no, why is he doing that?’ Do you long to yell out to the characters to warn them against their doomed fate? We thought so. And that’s why we’ve created our all new interactive seating this season at Bard.  Check out our easy to follow guide to ticketing and seating right here:

Read More about Bard’s New Interactive Seating Will Make You Fall in Love

How does an actor prepare for his or her role? Good question! Every year at Bard our Company of actors spend three days with Director of Education & Training Mary Hartman and Vocal Coach Alison Matthews, exploring text and voice at our Actor Intensives. As Equivocation by Bill Cain opens first at the Belfry Theatre on April 22, the Studio Stage actors got a head start on the work this week.

Read More about Studio Stage Actors Get A Head Start

Ever wondered what it takes to become a theatre director? The following four people are going to find out this season as they take on the challenging & rewarding role of Apprentice Director at Bard. Find out what inspires them to direct and what excites them most in the coming season!

Michelle Boulet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Mack Gordon: The Tempest
Katrina Darychuk: Equivocation
Guy Fauchon: Cymbeline

What made you want to be a theatre director?

Read More about Introducing Our 2014 Apprentice Directors

Do you know how many volunteers it takes to help run Bard? Guess? Last season alone, 235 theatre-loving people shared their summer with us to help check tickets, serve coffee, usher, and jump in to help with any number of other tasks. These generous and talented people help create and sustain a community environment at our site that is welcoming to every single person walking through our gates. We simply could and would not exist without them.

Read More about The Five Ladies Who Really Run The Show

From Banner to Bag - Bard's Marketing Coordinator Roanne Ward with Common Thread's Founder Melanie Conn checking out our new bags!Question: what do you do with 120 beautiful nylon street banners that are past their ‘use by’ date?

Read More about Bard Finds A Common Thread With Local Social Enterprise