Category Actor

For her final assignment we sent UBC co-op student Shannon Hogan down to the Festival to interview actor John Voth to find more about his ‘amazing summer’ debuting at Bard. Here is their interview!

Shannon Hogan: So this is your first season at Bard on the Beach. Is it what you expected?

Read More about Actor John Voth On His Debut At Bard And How He Uses Improv During The Shows

It’s been over two months since a dramatic storm blew into Vancouver causing a shipwreck on the shores of Vanier Park. We sent our roving island reporter Tempestuous Tracey to interview two of the survivors, party dames Trincula and Stephana, to see how they’ve been occupying their time on the island.

Tempestuous Tracey: Hey ladies!

Trincula: Hello!

Stephana: Hello, Hi!

Read More about Shipwrecked! An Interview with Trincula and Stephana

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to follow your passions? Adele Noronha, who is making her Bard acting debut this season in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest, did. We asked Adele to share her story with us…

Read More about Bard actor Adele Noronha on her big risk and the teacher who inspired her to take it

Following his recent Jessie Award, Best Actor win for Realwheels’ Whose Life Is It Anyway?, Bob Frazer returns to Bard in a very different role playing William Shakespeare in Bill Cain’s Equivocation. We caught up with Bob to get his thoughts on the play and why he thinks it will stay with you long after you’ve left the theatre.

What’s it like to play Shakespeare after playing so many of his characters?

Read More about Bob Frazer On His New Role: Playing William Shakespeare

How does an actor prepare for his or her role? Good question! Every year at Bard our Company of actors spend three days with Director of Education & Training Mary Hartman and Vocal Coach Alison Matthews, exploring text and voice at our Actor Intensives. As Equivocation by Bill Cain opens first at the Belfry Theatre on April 22, the Studio Stage actors got a head start on the work this week.

Read More about Studio Stage Actors Get A Head Start

Bob is Back!

Exciting news on the casting front!

We’re thrilled to announce that Bob Frazer will be back on the Studio Stage at Bard for our 25th Anniversary season in 2014. 

After taking a year away from Bard while he pursued other projects (including his recent work as Jay Gatsby in Theatre Calgary’s The Great Gatsby,  Bob will appear in next season’s productions of Bill Cain’s Equivocation and Shakespeare’s Cymbeline

Read More about Bob is Back!

Bardies in the Fall

I know, I know, autumn is here. Bard is over (*sob), it’s raining out and you wish you could recapture those amazing moments you spent with us this summer. Well, here’s a way to do just that!

The actors and production team you saw this summer at Bard are busy year-round on projects around Vancouver and across Canada. Here are a few of the productions you can catch some Bardies at this season:

Read More about Bardies in the Fall

Twelfth Night director Dennis Garnhum and Twelfth Night/Hamlet actor Barbara Pollard share their favourite moments of the season.

Read More about Gaining Sympathy from the Right and Wrong Crowds

With the end of the season just around the corner, we asked a few of the Company members to share their favourite moments from their summer at Bard. This week Todd Thomson (Laertes, Hamlet / Orsino, Twelfth Night) reveals his fear of not being able to pull off a convincing fight scene without getting skewered in the process!

Read More about Todd Thomson: From Elephant to Seasoned Swordsman

The fabulous Colleen Wheeler, in her 12th season at Bard this summer, is thrilling audiences in her colossal role: Queen Elizabeth I in Elizabeth Rex. We caught up with Colleen to hear about her experience at Bard and what she likes to do in her time off.

Tell us something about you people don’t know.

Read More about Colleen Wheeler: Putting on Makeup and Watching Airplanes