Our Bard Company is full of talented people who have projects, businesses and passions off the stage. This week, we’re highlighting Artisans & Musicians! If you missed the first of this new series featuring Photographers & Designers you can see it here.
It’s more important than ever to support our arts community, so make sure to check out the work of these incredible artists and share with your friends. Scroll on to see who’s featured this week and stay tuned for more in the weeks to come!
Sarah Roa (Bard Actor)
Instagram: @palspopup_
“The PALS Pop-Up was dreamed up on a gals wine trip and the idea was to create an outlet to share our many creative talents. I am a second generation Filipina Canadian and I drew inspiration from my roots and the diverse cultures of the Philippines. That is how I came up with ‘Marahuyo’, an ancient Filipino word that means “to be enchanted.” I wanted to create pieces of jewellery and art that were unique, intricate and delicate. I work primarily with polymer clay and what I love, is that I feel like a big kid playing with clay.”
- @palspopup_
- @palspopup_
Susan Miyagishima (Bard Stage Manager)
Instagram: @suemiyag
“There is something magical about miniature objects. Seeing a detailed replica of something that can perch on your fingertip is utterly enchanting. It’s been engrained in us since childhood, playing with doll houses, or action figures, or toy cars. We want to hold the world in the palm of our hand.
I find creating miniatures meditative. To recreate something in miniature requires time and focus on the minute details and that quiets things down for a time. Our world is vast and can feel overwhelming, but building something tiny can make all things seem a little more manageable.”
- Figures built for vAct Theatre’s production of 1 Hour Photo
- Co-built with Jennifer Stewart for the Joy Kogawa House.
Ian Butcher (Bard Actor)
Instagram: @the.butcher.the.baker
“What initially started my interest in baking was watching the Great British Bake Off. Everything they made I thought, I can do that….I started with my first loaf of bread, and the rest is history. I’ve been baking daily for three years now. I love to see the joy that it brings others, and love baking for my family.
Croissants and sourdough are a few of my favourites, and now that I’ve successfully made hundreds of Macarons, they are less stressful…I encourage everyone to try baking something new. It can be meditative and relaxing and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour! Bon Appétit!”
- @the.butcher.the.baker
- @the.butcher.the.baker
Melissa Cartwright (Bard Wardrobe Stitcher)
Website: melliferabees.com
Instagram: @melliferabees
“Borrowing its name from the Latin Apis Mellifera, or ‘honey-bearing bee,’ Mellifera Bees was founded by beekeeper Melissa Cartwright, whose first name means ‘honey bee’.”
Mellifera Bees produces distinctive, hand-crafted honey infusions of exceptional quality. Each jar contains honey harvested from B.C hives. Suffused with a rich bouquet of aromatic flavours, the honey’s unique character is produced from the wild wanderings of Mellifera bees and enhanced with a delicate blend of spices, flowers and fruit. Each ingredient is chosen for quality and freshness and sourced exclusively from independently owned British Columbia companies specializing in certified Organic, Fair Trade comestibles.”
- @melliferabees
- @melliferabees
Mishelle Cuttler (Bard Composer/Sound Designer/Musical Director)
Website: mishellecuttler.com
Instagram: @mdcuttler
“I’ve played music since I was 9 years old, but I really found my voice when I started connecting my music to storytelling. I love playing with all the complex layers of sound, like pulse, tempo, range, dynamic energy, and lyric to create something that supports and builds on narrative. I’ve been lucky to work on a huge range of projects, and each one brings its own magic.”
Sara Vickruck (Bard Actor)
Website: saravickruck.ca
Instagram: @saravickruck
“For me singing, writing, and playing music is a gateway to discovery, release, and transformation. Even from the time I was 5, processing my parents divorce, I remember running around the yard, composing melodic phrases to give voice to my inner experiences. Interestingly enough I didn’t really start tuning into this talent till I was in my early 20’s, and it often takes a back seat to everything else that goes on in life. However, you will never find me happier and more fulfilled than when I am playing music and singing for folks. Singing is the sound of the soul.”
- Poly Queer Love Ballad | Photo by Emily Cooper
- “Prologue” – EP Cover
Ben Elliott (Bard Actor/Sound Designer/Musical Director/Composer)
Website: linktr.ee/benelliott
Instagram: @bendelliott
“Anything can inspire my music. It can start from a riff that emerges while playing around on the piano or guitar, which I can then expand into a song. Or it can be sparked by something someone says that I think sounds like a great lyric or idea. It can just be a feeling that can only described through music. For me, music is as much about writing and creating as it is about working through things. It can help me process and make sense of my experience by giving sound to it.”
- “Hard Year” Song Art
Jeff Gladstone (Bard Actor)
Website: jeffgladstone.com/music
Instagram: @thebadideas
“Jeff Gladstone & The Bad Ideas is a group of ‘scoundrels & minstrels’ who play a style of music dubbed ‘cowboy noir cabaret to soothe the troubled soul’.
Jeff Gladstone, known as an actor, improvisor & musician, recorded his debut album Hell of a Girl in Toronto in 2014, produced and recorded by long time friend Terra Hazelton (Jeff Healey’s Jazz Wizards, Fubar 2). The Bad Ideas were born from that, and recorded a second album in Vancouver in 2016, WANTED, featuring local jazz musicians Bonnie Northgraves, Arnt Arntzen, Steve Charles & Buff Allen. Over the past couple years, The Bad Ideas have recorded for feature films Kingsway featuring original songs by Colleen Rennison (TIFF 2018) and F*cking Idiots (VIFF 2020).
When the nightlive returns to our fair city, you can trust Jeff Gladstone & The Bad Ideas will be there stomping & swinging, rocking & rolling you into the new roaring twenties!
Both albums are available on all streaming platforms, including bandcamp where you can purchase directly from the artist.”
- Still from “One Little Accident Away” | Terra Hazelton, Sophia Perlman & Jeff Gladstone