Enjoying a picnic in Vanier Park; wandering through the Bard Village, or meeting up with friends and catching your favourite play; there are many reasons that bring people to Bard on the Beach and we love hearing all of them! Need more reasons? Here are 28!
Read More about 28 Reasons why you can’t afford to miss out on Bard this season!…
On Friday afternoon a large brown bear was spotted in the downtown region of Vancouver, British Columbia near West Hastings and Abbott streets. Sydney Cavanagh, who was first to notice the large animal, said “I was just sewing and when I looked up there it was. I was shocked.” Cavanagh stayed still and spoke calmly to the bear so as not to alarm it. Brown bears can be very dangerous and should not be approached but after some time Cavanagh said that the bear started to show canine-type loyalty and after a few hours wouldn’t leave her side.
Read More about Bear Sighting in Downtown Vancouver…Fierce windstorms, brutal rays of sunlight and shockingly beautiful views are just a few of the things our dynamic site duo: Sparky Lawrence and Sid Sadowski, and our fabulous site crew are forced to deal with to get the Bard tents up in time for our first performance in five weeks!
On Monday May 27 strong winds threatened to take the tent fabric for a flight over English Bay but with dust in their eyes, the site crew braved the elements and kept everything grounded.
Read More about The Canucks might be down but the tents are up!…By Roanne Ward
Inside the Holy Trinity Parish, in the quaint English town of Stratford-upon-Avon, lies a very important book. Probably one of England’s most visited churches; the parish contains the register recording Shakespeare’s baptism, the only written record indicating his birth.
The entry, in Latin, reads: “Guiliamus filius Johannes Shakspere” with the date 26 April 1564.
Read More about It’s Shakespeare’s Birthday! Or is it?…It takes a lot of time and people power to get the Bard Village and our two tents up and ready for you, and the work has begun!
World Theatre Day was created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on March 27th by the international theatre community.
Read More about Happy World Theatre Day!…By Roanne Ward
Ever had a staff meeting where you found yourself fantasizing about a more stimulating life outside of work?
Bring your family down to Vanier Park for a day of music, history, science, and art – with performances at all venues by Vancouver Academy of Music students. Plus, enjoy local food vendors and enter to win memberships and other great prizes.
Join us in 2013 on Saturday, January 26.
Read More about Winter Wander in Vanier Park…What a great summer! We can hardly believe that it’s all over. We have packed up our tents and our offices and moved back to our off-season home at Cambie and West Broadway. And it’s already time to share our line-up for next season – huzzah!
Read More about Bard’s 24th Season Announced…Here’s a story from our valued production partner, SFU Woodward’s and its presentation of “A Beautiful View” – currently running until September 29th.
Read More about A conversation with Colleen Wheeler and Diane Brown…