Tagged 2024 Acting Company

Meet Nathan Kay

There’s just over a week left to see Diana Donnelly’s carnival Twelfth Night! Don’t miss Read More about Meet Nathan Kay

Meet Munish Sharma

Both patrons and critics alike are praising Stephen Drover’s “bold, and … revelatory” (Colin Thomas) Read More about Meet Munish Sharma

Meet Anton Lipovetsky

With an incredibly talented Company of performers and original compositions by Veda Hille that will Read More about Meet Anton Lipovetsky

Meet Chirag Naik

The dog days of summer are almost behind us, and September is set to bring Read More about Meet Chirag Naik
Each year, Bard on the Beach engages hundreds of incredible artists, technicians, volunteers, and administrators, Read More about Bard Debut Series – 2024 Acting Company

Meet Tal Shulman

Our Howard Family Stage Company has moved to Site at Sen̓áḵw/Vanier Park in preparation for Read More about Meet Tal Shulman
It’s hard to believe that the first performances of our 35th Season are now just Read More about Meet Nadeem Phillip Umar Khitab