Sunday, September 15 at 10am
1695 Whyte Ave, Vancouver, BC

The Company of Twelfth Night (2024) | Set Design by Pam Johnson | Costume Design by Mara Gottler | Lighting Design by Sophie Tang | Photo by Tim Matheson

Have you ever thought about how our crew transforms the vibrant circus of Twelfth Night into the solemn library of Hamlet overnight?

Now is your chance to witness this remarkable part of the production process! Join us on Sunday, September 15 at 10am for a guided changeover of the BMO Mainstage set, featuring special guests from Bard’s artistic and production teams.

Any gift of $50+ made between now and September 10 will be eligible.

To make your gift, visit our website here.

Donations can also be made by cheque to our mailing address at the BMO Theatre Centre (201-162 West 1st Avenue), or by calling our Individual Giving Manager, Taylar Ball, at 604-737-0625 ext. 2224.

Once you have made your gift, please let us know if you would like to attend the BMO Mainstage Changeover by emailing your RSVP to [email protected].

Donations to Bard on the Beach play a crucial role in sustaining the Festival’s vitality, enabling us to deliver high-quality performances and experiences year after year. Contributions support over 250 of our dedicated arts workers, giving them a platform to excel both on and off the stage. Additionally, donations help us to make a significant impact in our community by funding our Bard Education programs, which inspire young minds to express themselves and nurture the next generation of artists.

With a contribution of $50 or more, you will also become a Bard Member, which grants you access to other special benefits, like early ticket booking in March and exclusive invitations to behind-the-scenes events and receptions similar to the BMO Mainstage Changeover. You can find more details about Bard Membership here.

The Company of Hamlet (2024) | Set Design by Pam Johnson | Costume Design by Barbara Clayden | Lighting Design by Gerald King | Photo by Tim Matheson.